
聚酰亚胺纳米纤维锂电隔膜 先进科技打造一流产品

 所属分类:车身贴膜/改色  2014-6-26 21:27:22  推荐指数:

  聚酰亚胺纳米纤维锂电隔膜技术进展/ Technologies Update of Polyimide Nanofibers LIB Separator


  聚酰亚胺(PI)是综合性能最佳的聚合物之一。其耐高温达 400℃以上,长期使用温度范围200~300℃,绝缘性能好。


  深圳惠程是我国聚酰亚胺电池隔膜生产和应用领域的领先企业,其间接控股子公司江西先材纳米纤维科技有限公司聚酰亚胺纳米纤维电池隔膜项目于2011年获得国家战略性新兴产业投资1,773 万元。




  如欲索取更详细的会议资料,欢迎联系 孔小姐:021-68726606-102或者13918486381

  Technologies Update of Polyimide Nanofibers LIB Separator

  Polyimide (PI) is one of the best performance polymers. It can be used in high temperature (above 400 ℃), and long-term used in temperature range of 200 ~ 300 ℃. It also has the high insulation property.

  In 2010, DuPont developed the Energain™ separator, which is made from a proprietary, polyimide-based polymer produced using a spinning process that resulting in continuous filaments with diameters between 200 and 1,000 nanometers. ACCORDing to Dupont, the Energain™ separator can increase power from 15 percent to 30 percent, increase battery life by up to 20% and improve safety by providing stability at high temperatures.

  Shenzhen Hifuture Company is the leading player in PI battery separator production and applications in China. In 2011, its subsidiary – Jiangxi Xiancai Nanofibers Technology Company – got the RMB 17.73 million subsidies from the government for the nanofibers polyimide battery separator project as it is a national strategic emerging industrial project.

  By the end of 2011, Shenzhen Hifuture’s 300 m2/d PI nanofibers LIB separator pilot was started up and commissioned, and then started the construction of 3000 m2/d commercial production line. It is expected to start up and produce on-spec PI nanofibers separator in H2 2012.

  In March 2011, Shenzhen Hifuture announced that its subsidiary - Jiangxi Xiancai Nanofibers Technology company had signed an agreement with the local Government of Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, plans to build an annual output of 200 million square meters of polyimide nanofiber battery separator production base. Approximately 200 acres of land will be used for the project, and the total investment is around RMB 600 million, the project is expected to be started up in 2014.

  On Jun. 18-19, ASIACHEM will organize the “2012 China LIB Separator Conference” in Shenzhen. On the upcoming event, the expert from Shenzhen Hifuture Company will deliver a presentation on “Technologies Update of Polyimide Nanofibers LIB Separator”.


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