
倍耐力轮胎 将实行30日内换取方案

 所属分类:轮胎  2014-11-5 16:22:07  推荐指数:

  倍耐力轮胎北美提供感兴趣的五个公司的比较流行的OE衍生轮胎行的消费者 - 包括新的P零所有季节加 - 有机会尝试一下轮胎为30天,以及胎面磨耗有限保修。


  倍耐力表示,它希望该计划将为消费者提供信心去尝试的倍耐力加线的产品 - 从原始设备产品开发衍生轮胎专用于售后市场 - 提供最大的驾驶乐趣没有放弃胎面磨耗。

  置信加上计划提供关于购买4 P零所有季节此外,Cinturato P1另外,Cinturato P7全季此外,P4四季Plus和蝎子豪园整个赛季,倍耐力表示。


  由轮胎,胎面磨损为代价保证是:P零所有季节此外,50000英里; Cinturato P1另外,35000英里; Cinturato P7全季此外,70000英里; P4四季此外,90000英里;和蝎子佛得角所有季节,65000英里。

  Pirelli offers 30-day trials on 'Plus' line

  Pirelli Tire North America is offering consumers interested in five of the company’s more popular OE-derived tire lines – including the new P Zero All Season Plus — a chance to try out the tires for 30 days as well as limited treadwear warranties.

  Pirelli unveiled the offer, packaged as the Pirelli Confidence Plus Plan, at the 2014 Specialty Equipment Market Association Show.

  Pirelli said it hopes the plan will provide consumers with confidence to try the Pirelli Plus lines of products – tires derived from original equipment product development that are dedicated to the aftermarket – providing maximum driving pleasure without abandoning treadwear.

  The Confidence Plus Plan is offered on purchases of four P Zero All Season Plus, Cinturato P1 Plus, Cinturato P7 All Season Plus, P4 Four Seasons Plus and Scorpion Verde All Season, Pirelli said.

  If consumers are not satisfied with their set of Pirelli Plus tires, they can exchange them for another Pirelli tire within 30 days from the original date of purchase.

  By tire, the treadwear warranties are: P Zero All Season Plus, 50,000 miles; Cinturato P1 Plus, 35,000 miles; Cinturato P7 All Season Plus, 70,000 miles; P4 Four Seasons Plus, 90,000 miles; and Scorpion Verde All Season, 65,000 miles.


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